Mantel Madness
Mantel Madness Challenge

Enrollment closes in:

  • 30
  • 09
  • 30
  • 48

What is the Mantel Madness Challenge?

It is a 2 day challenge where 4 designers with their own styles and techniques show you how to create pieces for a mantle that you can decorate your own mantle, hutch, couch table, entry table or list for sale.

We will also be staging the mantle together with all of the pieces that we create.

When is the challenge? 

November 6th to November 7th

What you'll learn?

  • How we shop, make and choose items for a mantel
  • How to coordinate your pieces - sizes, styles, colors and patterns
  • A list of places to buy quality supplies
  • A unique design by Damon Oates from DecoExchange
  • A unique design by Mellie Mel from Sincerely Creative Mom
  • A unique design by Jacquelyn Koch from The Fancy Front Door
  • A unique design by Jordan Matthew from Designs By Jordan

How you'll learn?

  • A private Facebook Group
  • Day 1 Lives on: How we shop, find, and match our supplies & 2 designs to be used on staging the mantle
  • Day 2 Lives on: 2 designs to be used in staging the mantle & staging the mantle.
Learn to make multiple designs that you can list for sale or pull together to decorate for you or a client from the Creative Coaching Team! 
and guest Designer

Jordan Matthew! 

This will be Jordan's BIG debut into the world of teaching - you will NOT want to miss this y'all! 

His designs speak for themselves...

Course Summary

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Mantel Madness Challenge

Join Damon, Mel, Jacque and Jordan in a 2 day challenge to make a designer pieces to stage a mantle. Each of the designers bring a unique flair, design and experience to help you create a stunning display.

This course includes:

  • 4 unique design tutorials from 4 different designers
  • Tips and tricks on shopping for items for staging
  • Video on how to stage a mantel with the pieces that we made

Additional bonuses include:

We will be featuring products from other designers in our Mantel and those designers have agreed to provide additional bonus tutorials on how they made the items. 

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At least 5 video tutorials
Private Facebook Group
Expertise From Industry Leaders
Recorded Training That Can Be Access Any Time / Replays available
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The Coaches at DecoExchange have teamed up to start raising money for our annual Christmas Gift Giving Event - where we make sure kids and Silver Bells have a great Christmas. 

Here's a picture of us shopping for Christmas gifts sponsored by the DecoExchange Community

Sign Up Below

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Enter Your Payment Info Below


If you would like to make an optional donation towards the DecoExchange Christmas Gift Giving Event select the box below.


Donations For Christmas Gifts

Add 1 or more additional $10 donations. (Update Quantity at the bottom)

Creative Coaching Members - Make sure you use your coupon code that was emailed to you on 9/25/20 BEFORE you press join now.


If payment is failing or processing indefinitely: make sure and clear your browser cache and cookies.

About Damon

Damon helps new product-based business owners who are stuck and overwhelmed get accelerated profits through targeted coaching and consulting.

About Mel

I'm a former Accounting Supervisor, now full time craft teacher following my dreams and helping others create beautiful decor for fun or to sell.

About Jacque

I'm a Creative Ninja and a DIY Decorating Coach! I create wreaths, swags and centerpieces for all seasons, themes and occasions and I can teach you too!

About Jordan

Designs By Jordan, is a small town, homegrown kinda business. How did Designs By Jordan come to life? It came to life in 2008, I had been making and designing Christmas wreaths for my Grandmother and Mother, I did this for about 2 years and then Finally came up with the idea that I could start this as a little business, to make a little extra profit for Christmas presents in 2008.
